Telehealing Hypnotherapy with Gail Raborn, CHT.
Make an appointment: Sessions By Telephone
Contact Information:
+1 (707) 827-3615
[email protected]
Gail will respond to you
within 24 hours.
Appointment Times: Other times by arrangement
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
9:00 AM - 6:30 PM

Gail Raborn, CHT
Clinical and Medical Hypnotherapist
Certified Psychotherapist
Interactive Imagery Therapist
INDIVIDUALS: 1 1/4 hours Sessions
One Session: $145
Individual Packages:
- Five sessions: $675 (Saves $50)
- Ten sessions: $1300 (Saves $150)
Extra 15 minutes: $35
- COUPLES: 1 1/2 hour Sessions
One Session: $175
Couple Packages:
- Five sessions: $825 (Saves $50)
- Ten sessions: $1600 (Saves $150)
Extra 15 minutes: $40
- Contact Gail to discuss reduced rates
Send Payment Prior to Appointment
Payments: by PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle
Sign up for a free PayPal account now!
Or mail a check to: Gail Raborn, CHT.
777 Aston Ave. Apt. 40 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 USA