Let me introduce myself: I’m Gail Raborn, CHt
Clinical Hypnotherapist and Medical Hypnotherapist
I am a Hypnotherapist, gifted with the extraordinary ability as a catalyst for powerful positive transformation. If you're lost, hurting, in pain or ill, stuck or tired of therapy that's not getting you anywhere, perhaps you've been guided here to work with me. For, I know that spiritual guidance brings my clients to me when they're ready for profound change.
My path began when a miracle literally saved my life from death at age 28. At that time, I was very suicidal and on the way to throwing myself into the sea to drown on the Mendocino, California coast. But just before I got into my car to end my life, I was miraculously rescued from sure death as I fell backward into the street under the wheels of a huge truck.
A strange force like a giant hand lifted me straight up into the air about twelve feet, moved me out of the street, then flipped me over face down to drop safely face-first onto the hood of my car. Stunned, I staggered into a cafe to spend hours asking myself why I was miraculously rescued when I really wanted to die!

A voice came to me saying that I had a purpose, an important purpose, or I would not have been saved. Since I felt totally useless and worthless at that time, this was a radical idea, difficult to accept. I felt I deserved to die! But why would a miracle save my life unless I did have value? This began deep emotional healing and a life-long journey into becoming a Health Practitioner.
Soon after, a friend told me I had healing hands, able to take away the pain and stimulate healing through touch. He was right: my grandfather had this gift as well. Within months, I was trained and certified as a Massage Therapist; then, I opened the McCornack Center for the Healing Arts in Mendocino, CA, with the help of a Physician and Chiropractor - the first integrative healing center on the North Coast of California.
Since then, I've devoted my life to becoming and working as a Health Practitioner with many skills, specializing in Hypnotherapy and Metaphysical Healing. Angelic guidance has both guided and saved my life repeatedly since my first miraculous encounter. Without this spiritual help, I wouldn't be here now.
In recent years, two botched spinal surgeries and the many hospital mistakes I endured taught me a great deal about the need to prepare for safe, effective surgery and hospitalization. So I have a special interest in helping people avoid the trauma, surgical, and hospital errors I experienced through Pre and Post-Surgical Hypnosis, education, and lectures on how to literally get out of the hospital alive - and heal rapidly.
My professional background
Trained as a Massage Therapist and Energy Worker in 1973, I added professional training as a Psychotherapist while living in Amsterdam, Holland. Later, I was professionally trained in Hypnotherapy, Medical Hypnosis, Interactive Guided Imagery, Psychic and Intuitive Development, Shamanism, Energy Healing, Gestalt Therapy, and Voice Dialogue. My education still continues; I learn from my work with every client and student.
While living in Santa Rosa, CA, I'm working on a book called: "The Broken Phoenix".
Lectures I offer: "Near-Death Experiences," "Meetings with Angels," "Listen to Your Body," "The Four Channels of Intuition," "Safe Hospitalization," and "How to Safely Prepare for Surgery".
My workshops include: "The Four Channels of Intuition", "Taming Your Inner Critic", "Your Body Speaks Its Mind," and "Healing through Self-Hypnosis."
Please contact me if you're interested in sponsoring a lecture or a workshop.
Gail Raborn, Hypnotherapist: +1 (707) 827-3615
or email: [email protected]